Playing football, basketball, track, and baseball and the relative success these teams saw due mostly to my teammates and a little credit due to me, taught me how to work as a team to achieve a common goal and other life experiences. Despite these successes on the gridiron, court, track, and ...
As the weather warms up and farmers pull the machinery out of the shed to make the final tune ups before planting, I am lucky, blessed, and excited to have this be my first year on my own farming. If you asked me when I was a kid playing my PlayStation 2 if I wanted to be a farmer, it would ...
If I were smart enough to make my own time traveling machine, the first place I would want to visit in Traer would be the opera house. To the those in the Traer Nostalgia Facebook group sharing photos of it, thank you. Thank you for all the other wonderful posts in this group. This opera ...
The tough part living in today’s world is knowing what is true and what is not. The way the social media economy and the news economy is setup in today’s world is to generate likes. Sometimes, a lie can spread around the world faster than the truth. The reason being is high quality ...
When I entered kindergarten, I rode Bus 8 throughout northern Tama County until ending up at my grandparents’ house. While the bus driver, Ivan Stansbery, made sure we kept our feet out of the aisle, we were nearly the last people to get off the bus. It felt like Homer’s Odyssey, but it ...
I did not plan to write another Iowa education article, but with the opening of the Iowa legislative session last week, the changes to the recent bill are worth noting. If the bill passes, it will fundamentally change how education will work in Iowa.
According to the Iowa Capital Dispatch, ...
This upcoming Iowa state legislative session will be one of the most consequential ones in years. This may be hyperbole, but the potential impact this session could have on public education in Iowa indicates otherwise. Iowa has long been the face of public education. For Pete’s sake, our ...
It is the end of the year and time to reflect on what the year was. Learn from the good and the bad to make next year a different one from the past. It is cliché, but why not make some new year’s resolutions? I have never been one to make firm and hard resolutions, but they can be a good ...
I hope you can enjoy this holiday season. Take some time to relax and reflect on this year. Appreciate the time you spend with one another throughout the holiday season. It can be busy driving from one celebration to the next but find time to take a breather and cherish the moments. Life ...
Consider giving this holiday season. While giving to one’s family is important, if one celebrates Christmas, anyone who has the means should participate in the season of giving. A special feeling comes from either donating time or money. Most people should get the chance to have the good ...