Who in Iowa leadership roles are looking out for underserved Iowans? After a couple recent newsworthy items coming from the state of Iowa, it appears underserved Iowans are being pushed to the wayside for big donors and out of state interests. Those with money are in the ear of the politicians ...
With Christmas around the corner, it is time for joyous cheer and celebrations. One of the best parts of Christmas is nostalgia. Generations upon generations grow up with the traditions their ancestors performed. It is a beautiful way to connect with one’s past. One of these traditions is ...
Everyone wants lower taxes. Having more money in one’s pocket is nice. In a society where not everything is fair and just and never will be, the people rely on the government to provide goods and services. Some of these goods and services help everyone while some do not. The government helps ...
As the calendar turns from November to December, it is wild to think how fast 2023 flew by. As a child, the passing of a year felt like a long time. It took so many years to be able to ride in the front seat. Then it was so many years until I could drive the car. I could not wait for the next ...
In a state full of Hawkeyes, Cyclones, and a few Panthers and Bulldogs, some of the other schools get lost in the fray. These smaller colleges and universities also deserve their time in the limelight. This is not about the academics at the school, it is about the mascots. More importantly, it ...
From the Egyptian pyramids to Shakespeare’s plays, history has always had a form of writing exist in it. For each person, an important part of education is learning how to write. While technology makes it easier to communicate without the need to write, writing checks or signing documents ...
Modern day reality television has only been around for the last 30 years or so, but it feels like it has taken over society in this time span. Survivor was the first modern day hit with people dropped into a remote land while figuring out how to survive and win the competition. While it ...
Four interstate highways traverse the state of Iowa. Traveling across nearly every region of the state, each highway has a different feel and provides a unique experience. If one has spent any time on either 35, 80, 380, or 29, one may be able to relate.
35 is the best interstate highway. ...
In the city of Des Moines, there is Center Street. It runs throughout the city, but according to Little Village Magazine, it was one of the few neighborhoods open to Black residents for much of the 20th century. While Iowa never had Jim Crow laws, there were neighborhoods where realtors ...
What is a rural town without a school? There is a little going on, but the town is not much to speak of. It is no fault of the town when it cannot hang onto a school. Unfortunately, due to economics and the free-market picking winners and losers with a thumb on the scale on the opposite side ...