By the time you read this sentence, spring has sprung. What a beautiful time of year. Winter is in the rear-view mirror. While this last month was unseasonably warm and was eerily uncomfortable, it is exciting for spring to be here. It being 60 degrees with no snow on the ground is meant for ...
“20 Days in Mariupol” is a documentary worth watching. This film is about a team of Ukrainian journalists trapped in the besieged city of Mariupol struggling to continue their work documenting the war’s atrocities as the Russian invasion begins. It is a harrowing piece of work by the ...
A recent Iowa Starting Line article noted University of Northern Iowa students do not plan to stick around after graduation. For a state with a workforce problem, this is not good.
Whether it is on the microlevel, people leaving rural Iowa for a larger Iowa city or on the macrolevel, people ...
This past weekend my wife and I went to the grand reopening of the Val Air Ballroom in West Des Moines. Only a few years ago, we went to a concert at this venue, and I was thankful they kept the lights dimmed as much as possible. Soon after this concert, the venue was closed for remodel. ...
In a world where everything goes as fast as possible, time should be taken to appreciate parts of life which are not meant to be commodified. This means art, specifically, is done as a passion whether it is painting, drawings, writing, or performing.
Some are lucky enough to create art which ...
To be a beginning farmer today if one does not have access to land and machinery from family or an older farmer is not wise. This is not good for rural Iowa. Rural Iowa succeeded when more farmers were on the land. As Iowa heads down this current path, there is not an effective way out. Schools ...
In Governor Kim Reynolds 2022 campaign ad, it ends with the words “Here in Iowa…America Still Works.” Does it? What version of American is Kim Reynolds envisioning? Her vision appears increasingly to be one where people at the bottom of the economic totem pole are stiffed while the top ...
Last week, Sports Illustrated laid off most of its staff according to various reports. While it is not surprising, considering the state of Sports Illustrated, it is sad. Growing up, there was a time when I looked forward to getting this magazine each Thursday. I did not read it all, but I ...
In December, I made a trip to Los Angeles. Film and television have always been intriguing, and it finally worked out to make the visit. Chicago and New York City have already been checked off the visit list. With these cities being the three largest cities in the United States, it feels right ...
Remembering lyrics to songs does not come easy. When listening to music, every other part of the song; the drums, guitars, and everything else in between is more prevalent. When I remember the lyrics to a song, it holds extra significance. One of these songs is Judah & The Lion’s “Suit ...