Writing has stood the test of time. For most of time, writing could be looked at as a work of art, but computers have taken this fact away. One example is cursive writing. This style of writing is out of fashion and today's youth do not go through the struggles of wondering why a z looks like a ...
Writing has stood the test of time. For most of time, writing could be looked at as a work of art, but computers have taken this fact away. One example is cursive writing. This style of writing is out of fashion and today's youth do not go through the struggles of wondering why a z looks like a ...
Films are amazing because the movie theater going experience and watching old films on television. Combining my love of films and the past, I watched a beloved film from previous generations. Friends in grade school talked about this film, but I never had the chance to watch it. This film stars ...
Films are amazing because the movie theater going experience and watching old films on television. Combining my love of films and the past, I watched a beloved film from previous generations. Friends in grade school talked about this film, but I never had the chance to watch it. This film stars ...
North Tama, BCLUW, and IKM-Manning have a common thread. They are a collective of little towns spread out across farmland coming together as a school. These directional and anagram schools will appear more often as school districts combine due to lack of funding. While a tough process to gut ...
North Tama, BCLUW, and IKM-Manning have a common thread. They are a collective of little towns spread out across farmland coming together as a school. These directional and anagram schools will appear more often as school districts combine due to lack of funding. While a tough process to gut ...
Cell phones are the rage and everyone wants to have the new model. To have the newest is to be ahead of the pack. Gigabytes, camera quality, and the size of the phone are qualities taken into consideration. Today's telephones make past telephones appear as dinosaurs. While this may show past ...
Cell phones are the rage and everyone wants to have the new model. To have the newest is to be ahead of the pack. Gigabytes, camera quality, and the size of the phone are qualities taken into consideration. Today's telephones make past telephones appear as dinosaurs. While this may show past ...
Welcome to the inaugural edition of the Dengler Domain Music Battle Royale. Two number one Billboard singles from two different decades are pitted against each other. Song number one is 1967's "To Sir With Love" performed by Lulu, and song number two is 1977's "You Light Up My Life" performed ...
Welcome to the inaugural edition of the Dengler Domain Music Battle Royale. Two number one Billboard singles from two different decades are pitted against each other. Song number one is 1967's "To Sir With Love" performed by Lulu, and song number two is 1977's "You Light Up My Life" performed ...