Exercising is a healthy way to live life. Running, swimming, or lifting are different ways to get exercise. Any of these ways improves one's overall fitness and why exercise is important. After spending the last few months at the gym, I recommend these lifts.The first lift is the chest press. ...
I told friends I was not going to watch the Winter Olympics. I was wrong. Curling, skiing, biathlon have all taken over my television screen. I have watched a lot of Winter Olympics. Figure skating intrigues me. Watching men chuck women into the air to do twists is impressive. The athletic feat ...
I told friends I was not going to watch the Winter Olympics. I was wrong. Curling, skiing, biathlon have all taken over my television screen. I have watched a lot of Winter Olympics. Figure skating intrigues me. Watching men chuck women into the air to do twists is impressive. The athletic feat ...
Lunch is always an important meal. It stops the morning hungriness while filling us up until supper. One's lunch helps determine one's happiness for the rest of the day. When I bring my own lunch to work, it never is as good as a restaurant's lunch. My own lunch leaves me hungry so I long for ...
Lunch is always an important meal. It stops the morning hungriness while filling us up until supper. One's lunch helps determine one's happiness for the rest of the day. When I bring my own lunch to work, it never is as good as a restaurant's lunch. My own lunch leaves me hungry so I long for ...
As a child, I loved to pretend I was in a big moment during a sporting event. It was the last second shot to win the basketball game, the catch to win the football game, or the home run to win it all. Winning the big game was important as a child. This was the best part of the games. It was ...
As a child, I loved to pretend I was in a big moment during a sporting event. It was the last second shot to win the basketball game, the catch to win the football game, or the home run to win it all. Winning the big game was important as a child. This was the best part of the games. It was ...
I take back everything I said about winter. The snow is not the worst part about it. Nothing beats feeling terrible, and then waking up the next day and feeling the same. Having a cold during the winter is awful. Being stuck inside all day long without any option to be in warmer weather is not ...
I take back everything I said about winter. The snow is not the worst part about it. Nothing beats feeling terrible, and then waking up the next day and feeling the same. Having a cold during the winter is awful. Being stuck inside all day long without any option to be in warmer weather is not ...
Growing up, I thought listening to talk radio outside of the Bob and Tom Show was not a good idea. Everyone should enjoy singing along to their favorite song on the radio, and talk radio did not compare. Hearing the opinions of the day was something I did not need to hear. I take this all back, ...