Letter to the Editor: ‘Berleen has nothing to hide’

I am voting for Berleen Wobeter for Tama County Supervisor District 4. I know Berleen as do many people in Tama County. She is a lifelong Tama County resident with a life lived in plain view. Berleen has nothing to hide. She has earned my trust with her actions, not just her words, from years of knowing her. Transparency and honesty have been themes of this election. Is it honest and transparent that her opponent continues to omit? Did you know he was a past Mahaska County Supervisor? This experience would seem logical to share in most circumstances. Why has he failed to reveal his past experience? Is it because while serving in that capacity he was confronted by the Oskaloosa News with questions about his truthfulness and qualifications to continue serving as a supervisor? Why have these concerns not been brought forward and addressed? There are too many unanswered questions about her opponent’s experience, biography and educational background. Berleen is honest, hardworking, dedicated, intelligent and simply a good person ready to serve all people of Tama County as District 4 Supervisor. Vote for Berleen Wobeter November 5. It really is just that simple.
Barb Jordan