Letter to the Editor: Mark is the best candidate for the job

Rep. Dean Fisher (R-Montour).
I would like to heartily endorse Mark Doland for District 4 Tama County Supervisor. I’ve gotten to know Mark and Gwendy over the last few years, and I have friends that have known him much longer, his sterling reputation stretches back many years. I am confident that Mark is the best candidate for the job. Mark is a man of high integrity, strong Iowa values, and is a hard worker. He has been involved in county government in other counties where he’s lived and done well there, and he will be a strong asset to Tama County now.
The first things I look for in any candidate for public office are the person’s values and experience. No matter how strong their other attributes are, if they don’t have the right values and experience to back up those values then those other attributes aren’t helpful. I know Mark has values that are in line with the values of the mainstream of folks in Tama County. His background as a pastor provide him with values that serve him well, he approaches all interactions with a pastoral calm and steady hand. His background in public service as a former county supervisor provide him with the ability to hit the ground running on day one of serving Tama County on the board of Supervisors. His work experience with MPACT in Marshalltown and now as a Probation Officer at the Meskwaki Settlement all give him an in-depth understanding of what is involved in Law Enforcement and the social issues that our society struggle with on a daily basis.
Mark is a strong candidate for county supervisor. I know there are those that are ginning up nasty rumors in an attempt to discredit him in favor of a Democratic Party candidate. Don’t believe their bitter, desperate attempts to smear a good man for political gain. Mark is a man of high integrity and strong Iowa values, he will serve Tama County well as a county supervisor.
Rep. Dean Fisher