Letter to the Editor: Why is moving the kitchen and food storage area to a Commons area needed at Union?
Why is moving the kitchen and food storage area to a Commons area needed at Union?
This will allow for much-needed ground level access that will bring all areas together and allow for easier accessibility for students, kitchen/custodial staff, and deliveries.
Currently all inventory and food are transported from the basement to ground level via the elevator. Not only is this difficult for the kitchen and custodial staff, but it interrupts day to day learning as we have to go through both sets of hallways, near classrooms. Our dry storage is located on the opposite end of where we load and unload for transport to the elementary.
The kitchen, cafeteria, walk-in and freezer located in the basement limits any room for growth and makes repairs and upgrades very difficult.
The old bakery is outdated and obsolete.
Having the kitchen, food storage and commons/cafeteria on the ground level not only allows for excellent accessibility for students, staff and deliveries, but also increases efficiency of the kitchen, service, and safer working conditions for our staff.
Cara Glenn is the Director of Food Service for Union Community School District, and a resident of Dysart.