
Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: Rep. Dean Fisher

House File 880 (Formerly HF 284) is a bill that seeks to prevent Iowa Libraries from being members of the Iowa Library Association and the American Library Association (ALA) by restricting funds to them if they are dues paying members of these organizations. Those dues are paid for by taxpayer ...

Letter to the Editor: Carolyn Adolphs

​​Former Board of Supervisor, Bill Faircloth, is complaining about a problem that will not exist once the new supervisors get the already approved, livestreaming system up and running, which should be soon. Presently, I can log on to the Tama Livestock Auction and watch my cattle being sold ...

Letter to the Editor: John Howard

I coached multiple sports when I was a teacher, and my teams were pretty successful. I coached in big games, had the opportunity to coach multiple ranked teams and even had the privilege of coaching basketball at the state tournament four times and golf at that same level five times. In fact, ...

Letter to the Editor: Karen Murty

Thank you New Crew. We are undergoing many changes in Tama County at a crucial time. Solar and wind are trying to take our land. Pipelines are a rumor in North Tama County. Finances are a disaster as we have discovered a huge shortage of money to operate on for 2025, immediately! Be involved ...

Letter to the Editor: Proud to call Tama County home

Every Monday is “another watchful Monday” ongoing in Tama County for three years. What is different? A new board of five supervisors who care about our county, our land, the citizens and God’s people. Already they are working to make us more financially accountable and transparent with ...

Are Tama County Employees Discriminated Against?

The Tama County Board of Supervisors are attempting to enter a contract with the Human Resource director, Tammy Wise. At their latest meeting, there was a vague item under HR. This brought several questions from the chairman, Mr. Hilmer, as he had not had time to review the contract and had ...

Letter to the Editor: North Tama’s no phone policy

Remember the saying “Things aren’t always what they seem.” I had a chance to talk to John Cain, the North Tama Superintendent, about the no phone policy. I am in favor of the no phone policy. As we talked, I learned each classroom has a phone pouch. Whe the student enters the classroom ...

Letter to the Editor: ‘Berleen has nothing to hide’

I am voting for Berleen Wobeter for Tama County Supervisor District 4. I know Berleen as do many people in Tama County. She is a lifelong Tama County resident with a life lived in plain view. Berleen has nothing to hide. She has earned my trust with her actions, not just her words, from years ...

Letter to the Editor: Mark is the best candidate for the job

I would like to heartily endorse Mark Doland for District 4 Tama County Supervisor. I’ve gotten to know Mark and Gwendy over the last few years, and I have friends that have known him much longer, his sterling reputation stretches back many years. I am confident that Mark is the best ...