Open Letter to the Tama County Board of Supervisors

Clockwise from top left, Tama County Supervisors-elect Mark Doland, Heather Knebel, Curt Kupka, and David Turner.
As a new Board that will be installed into office January 1, 2025, we would request the current Board to refrain from appointing new members to the zoning board of adjustment to replace Todd Sebesta and Kurt Kelley and any further appointments. Todd resigned in mid-November 2024. Kurt resigned sometime in the last week. With only two and a half weeks left in your term, any business by the zoning board of adjustment can be addressed by the current members. Also, two of the three current Board of Supervisor members will not be in office come January. The incoming Board of Supervisors should have the privilege of appointing the members of the zoning board of adjustment that they will serve with over their terms. One of the terms extends into 2028. Our success as a Board will partially be dependent on the team that we have around us. It is certainly within your right and power to appoint with only nineteen days and counting down until your transition out of office. However, it would be more beneficial to allow new Board members to appoint the replacements that we will be working with. If necessary, it is in our purview to remove any newly appointed members as the Supreme Court of the State of Iowa has upheld Iowa law concerning this matter.
To avoid the unnecessary conflict, we would again request that any seats remain open until the new Board is installed. Additionally, any major decisions not of an emergency nature should be held in abeyance until the new Board convenes.
Mark Doland, Supervisor Elect
Heather Knebel, Supervisor Elect
David Turner, Supervisor Elect
Curt Kupka, Supervisor Elect