

‘A Day Without Immigrants’

Local News

MARSHALLTOWN — In the 17 years that she has owned and operated La Salud Restaurant and Grocery Store in downtown Marshalltown, Gabriela Vargas has been open seven days a week, 365 days a year, only closing early occasionally on a few holidays. That changed this past Monday. Vargas and a ...

Dedicated volunteer Dan Brandt laid to rest

Local News

MARSHALLTOWN – A Traer-Clutier High School Class of 1962 graduate who spent his formative years in rural Buckingham and placed public service above self was laid to rest on Friday, Jan. 24, at the Marietta Cemetery west of Marshalltown. Dan Brandt, 80, of Marshalltown died Jan. 15 in ...

The New New Rules

Local News

TOLEDO – As the sun stretched and yawned and rose in the east to shine down on another chilly winter day, the usual faces gathered for the Monday, Jan. 27 Tama County Board of Supervisors meeting. The meeting started, like it often does, with the engineer's report. The main point of ...

Taxes are for the birds…and other vulnerable wildlife

Local News

IOWA – We know taxes aren't a lot of fun, but there is a small thing you can do to feel better about the process. Donating to the Fish/Wildlife Fund (also known as the Chickadee Checkoff), on line 21 of your Iowa state tax form, can help support thousands of vulnerable wildlife through ...

Growing Together Mini-Grant awarded to Tama County

Local News

TOLEDO – In the midst of record setting food pantry usage throughout the state of Iowa, Growing Together Mini-Grants will provide fresh produce and nutrition education to pantries in 2025 through Iowa State University Extension and Outreach’s SNAP-Education program. Tama county is among ...

Klima Named to the Fall 2024 Dean’s List at LMU


HARROGATE, Tenn. – Gracen Klima of La Porte City, currently seeking a Bachelor of Science in Criminology and Criminal Justice, was named to the Lincoln Memorial University Dean's List for the fall semester of 2024. To be placed on the Dean's List, the student must be a full-time undergraduate ...