TOLEDO – Public comment policy was once again on the agenda during the Tama Co. Board of Supervisors July 10 meeting.
The policy was previously revised back on June 5 to cut ‘open topic’ time down to 15 minutes while also leaving an additional 15 minutes devoted to agenda-specific ...
LA PORTE CITY – The Union Knights softball team wrapped up the 2022-23 season earlier this month with five of its players selected for All Conference honors including sophomore Avery Knoop who was named to first-team utility player.
The Knights ended the season 5-15 back on July 6 in ...
GLADBROOK – Adelyn Sienknecht of Garwin was crowned the 2023 Tama County Fair Queen this past Tuesday evening at the fairgrounds in Gladbrook. She was vying for the honor alongside fellow candidate Emily Hulme of Clutier. Sienknecht received her title from the 2022 Tama Co. Fair Queen, ...
DYSART – The Dysart Lions Club Independence Day parade took place last week Tuesday under perfect blue skies and to a packed house along Main Street. Downtown crowds for the parade – which began on the western edge of Dysart at Union Middle School – were the biggest many event ...
TOLEDO – On June 14, Tama County launched a brand new county website. The website project, funded entirely with federal grant dollars from the American Rescue Plan Act, was taken on to improve communications and provide online access to more county services. No county tax dollars were used ...
TOLEDO – The July 3 Tama County Supervisors meeting started off with homeowner Ashley Steven speaking during the first public comment section. Steven is one of the homeowners that was set to receive reimbursement from the county after it came to light that former sanitarian Todd Apfel ...
DYSART – The Dysart Lions Club alongside Mayor Tim Glenn dedicated a tree in city park on Sunday, July 2 as part of the community’s Sesquicentennial celebrations. A Northern Japanese elm was selected for the planting due to both its diversity and ability to fit the chosen space well, ...
TRAER – This Sunday, July 16, the Traer Sesquicentennial Committee will be screening the movie “A Place for Heroes” which was filmed in Traer and Clutier as part of its ‘Flick and a Feast’ event.
“A Place for Heroes” is a 2014 film starring Paul Sorvino in the title role of a ...
TRAER — The Traer Fire Department recently hosted an open house in their brand new building located adjacent to the main fire station in an effort to showcase the addition to the community.
The department’s desire and need for a new building with more space were heightened ...
TRAER – Mark your calendars for some family fun in the park, hosted by the Traer Public Library. Absolute Science will be bringing their Bubble Stations to Taylor Park in Traer on Tuesday, July 18 from 7–8 p.m. Both children and adults will have fun blowing amazing bubbles of all shapes ...