
Hora-Machacek Auxiliary holds meeting, final sewing day until fall

CLUTIER – Hora-Machacek Legion Auxiliary held their last sewing day for this season on March 4. The ladies sewing lap quilts were: Ronda E, Brenda H, Deb K, Michelle B, Collette W, and Pauline S. Collette and Diane had readied 10 lap quilts on Tuesday, Feb. 18, so ladies had quilts to sew together when they arrived. The total lap quilts made this sewing session was 125. The following ladies cut and balled grocery bags for crocheting sleep mats: Julia B, Linda D, Cyndy B, and Rosemary V. Veronica joined the ladies for noon potluck and fellowship. We will start sewing in the fall on October 7, 2025.

Marilyn S. joined us for our monthly meeting for a total of six members. President Veronica called the roll and read February minutes which were approved as read. No financial report as Treasurer Diane was absent. Did receive a monetary donation from Nancy Hubbard in memory of Marcella Caslavka. Reviewed bake sale pricing list.

Marilyn S. brought Love a Quilted Heart that she made. Perhaps we could give one with a lap quilt to the veterans. Collette to check with the VA if it would be OK.

August 2, 2025, the town of Clutier will be celebrating 125 years. We discussed what our unit could do to help celebrate. Perhaps join with the Legion in a project that the public would enjoy.

Happy birthday was sung to Veronica. Our April meeting will be on the 1st at 1:30 p.m.