
Free volunteer income tax prep available to Tama County residents

TOLEDO – Free Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) is again available in Tama County, according to Cheryl Bruene of Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. The service is only possible thanks to the efforts of dedicated local volunteers, and begins in early February.

In addition, Bruene reports that “We’re also continuing the new self-preparation option, so local residents have two free options available.”

1) Do-It-Yourself. To do your own federal and state tax returns free online, and also get help with tax law questions from VITA, send an email to CentralIowaVITA@gmail.com, any time after January 23, and you will receive a response with instructions.

2) Preparation by Volunteers. To have your tax return prepared by IRS-certified volunteers, call ISU Extension in Tama County for an appointment: 641-484-2703. In addition to an appointment time, you will also receive instructions about filling out forms before you come.

Bruene particularly encourages families who qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) to take advantage of the free tax preparation. “By avoiding tax and loan fees, these families can put 100% of those funds to use in ways that build financial security and help them reach additional financial goals.”


There are no eligibility rules for the “do-it-yourself” option, except income must be below about $80,000. To have taxes prepared by volunteers, keep in mind that the IRS does not allow volunteers to prepare returns with farm or rental income, or in certain other complex situations. Taxpayers with low to moderate incomes are eligible including singles up to $40,000 and families with two or more children up to $67,000.

Local VITA efforts are supported by ISU Extension with funding through the Iowa Center for Economic Success.