Dressed Up for Winter
Last week’s Tama County Supervisors meeting

Tama County Administration Building, 104 W State St., Toledo, Iowa. TELEGRAPH FILE PHOTO
TOLEDO — Many braved the chilly weather last Monday morning (Nov. 25), trooping through the blustery new-day air to attend the weekly Tama County Board of Supervisors’ meeting.
The meeting started, as it does every week, with the Tama County Engineer’s report. The bridge crew is finishing up their projects; last week, they placed the beams, and now they have moved on to the decking and approaches. The department will also be working on the bumps on Old Highway 30, just east of the pack. The trucks will be ready for any inclement weather that may occur. The Engineer referred to this by saying the trucks would be “dressed up” which caused momentary confusion among the present locals. A funding agreement for E66 resurfacing was approved as well as the final voucher for the Business 30 bridge project.
EAP Funding agreement was approved, as was the TASC renewal.
The supervisors approved releasing quarterly a reminder about the rules and regulations around zoning. This is to educate the public and prevent any possible issues. This comes after several problems with buildings having been built without a permit and not up to code.
Claims totaling $258,422.96 were approved.