Tama County Historical Society presents ‘Meskwaki Bulrush and Cattail Weaving’ Oct. 9
TOLEDO – The Tama County Historical Society will present a program on Meskwaki Bulrush and Cattail Weaving on Wednesday, October 9, beginning at 7 p.m. at the Wieting Theatre, 101 S. Church St, Toledo.
For generations, Meskwaki women wove cattails panels and bulrush mats for practical and artistic uses. These skills fell out of use for more than 50 years until Mary Young Bear and a group of Meswaki women decided to relearn this ancient art. Mary will talk about the history of bulrush and cattail weaving, its revival among the Meskwaki community, and the importance of maintaining these cultural practices for future generations.
This program is free and open to the public. For more information on upcoming programs, visit www.tamacountyhistory.org.