Master Gardeners plant monarch garden beneath Toledo mural
TOLEDO – On Saturday morning, April 27, the Tama County Master Gardeners planted a Monarch butterfly garden in front of the new mural on the side of the Abstract building in Toledo across from the Court House. The garden will provide season long nectar for butterflies and other pollinators. The late season blooms will be an especially important food source for the migrating adult Monarchs. The garden is also meant to enhance the mural site and for public enjoyment.
Participating in the planting were project coordinator Nick Kubik; Cheryl Bruene, executive director of ISU Extension and Outreach; and Tama County Master Gardeners Ashley Bruene, Lori Kalinay, Lori Johnson, Wendy Deitrick, and Sarah Silhanek. Jim and Mary Roan are the sponsors of the project.
The Iowa Master Gardener program is part of an international network of Master Gardener programs started in 1973 in Washington State. The Master Gardener title is given to volunteers in exchange for their service in communities sharing gardening best practices. Volunteers receive an initial broad-based horticulture training, ongoing support, resources, and education from their county coordinator and state staff. Master Gardeners share their time and expertise as volunteers in community gardens, city beautification projects, and farmers markets, to name a few examples.
Registration for the next Master Gardener training in Tama County will open on July 22. Classes will be held September 3 through November 8. For more information, contact Cheryl Bruene at the Tama County Extension and Outreach office at 641-484-2703 or view online at