
Hard work pays in GOLD at District FFA Convention for La Porte-Dysart FFA

Hanson, Schmitz advance to Iowa FFA Convention

Members of the La Porte-Dysart FFA pictured on Feb. 19 at Hawkeye Community College in Waterloo during Sub-Districts. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

WATERLOO – La Porte-Dysart FFA members competed at the Northeast District FFA Convention at the Waterloo Career Center on March 8. Chapter members who advanced from the Sub District Convention contest once again had the opportunity to demonstrate their skills in Ag Broadcasting, Prepared Public Speaking, and Extemporaneous Speaking. Additional members attended the district convention to test their FFA knowledge by participating in the Greenhand and Chapter quizzes.

Members worked hard to prepare for the contest in the two-week turnaround from the sub district contest. Hard work paid off, and two La Porte-Dysart FFA Chapter members won their contest and will advance to the Iowa FFA Convention at Iowa State University in April.

La Porte-Dysart FFA Chapter results:

-Lily Schmitz, Ag Broadcasting: Gold, advancing to the Iowa FFA Convention

-Jillian Hanson, Prepared Public Speaking: Gold, advancing to the Iowa FFA Convention

-Ben Rosauer, Extemporaneous Speaking: Gold

-Brandon Frush, Chapter Quiz: Gold, First Place

-RaeLynn Wildeboer, Keelan Even, Wesley Buckingham, Jeremias Yuska, Jeremiah Lowe: Greenhand Quiz, Bronze

-Bailey Brown represented La Porte-Dysart FFA for National Chapter Award

-Ben Rosauer was elected to the 2025-2026 Northeast District Officer team

Congratulations to all participating FFA members!