Traer High School Class Reunion Photos: Winding Stairs Festival
Traer High School Class of 1951 was celebrating their 70th class reunion during Traer’s Winding Stairs Festival. Attending the evening Alumni dinner were, from left, Gerald Caslavka, Donna Crawford Wolfgram, and Lynne Caslavka. Two other classmates had joined them at lunchtime: Dr. James McCutcheon and Lois Jensen Owens. Submitted photo
The Traer High School Class of 1956 enjoyed a 65th class reunion during the Winding Stairs Festival. Those attending were, from left, Richard Engel, Marilyn Calderwood Burghart, Bob Joens, and David Draper. Submitted photo
The Traer High School Class of 1960 enjoyed a 60+1 class reunion during the Winding Stairs Festival. Attending, front, from left, were Jeanette LeFevre Tomlinson, June Rehder Kruger, Patricia Wignall Podhajsky, Pamela Logan Sternberg, MaryEtta Selk Wieck, Marilyn Podhajsky Weil; in back, Gary Wieck, Jean Davis Kruse, and James Andrews. Submitted photo
The Traer High School Class of 1961 enjoyed a 60th class reunion during the Winding Stairs Festival. Attending, front, from left, were Adrienne Cooper Nelson, Marcella Podhajsky Pults, Barbara Kvidera Merchant, Deanna Vesely Joebgen, Mary Lou Fleming Shultz, Patricia Earley Moore; in back, Gary Burrows, Joanne Kucera Vlasak, and Theodore Seda. Submitted photo
North Tama Class of 1965 gathered for their 55+1 class reunion during the Winding Stairs Festival. In front, from left: Joyce Kvidera Schwartz, Pat Kubik Greiner, Ruth Erickson Stoakes, Nancy Pavelka Kehoe, Dotta Dinsdale Hassman, Roger Janssen; in back, Ron Adam, Wendy Calderwood Livy, Jennifer Caslavka Stoltenberg, Bill Keith, Duane Hosek, Alan Stoakes, Carol Mysak Mowery, Jim Beenken, Pam Earley McKinney, Jeanne Stoakes, and John Svoboda. Submitted photo
The North Tama Class of 1966 gathered for their 55th class reunion during the Winding Stairs Festival. Attending were: front, from left, Wilfred Yuska, Judy Yuska Barnard, Gail Hushak Konicek, Dwayne Konicek; back, Richard Sternberg, Everett Mills, Duane Podhajsky, and Larry Smith. Submitted photo
North Tama’s 50+1 reunion participants from the Class of 1970 included, front, from left: Shirlee Sell Bouck, Vicki Harmsen Small, Cathy Sevcik Rush, Mary Velky DeVries, Beverley Novotny Colvin, Mary Jo Husak Hennager, Joleen Caslavka Hall; second row, Susan Kostlan Warrens, Don Shroyer, Deb Seda Murphy, Rod Kubik, Wayne Schmidt, Lois Harder Broman, Kate Caloud Stuart, Dorothy Erickson Thorne, Mark Beecher; back row, Steve Reinig, Mike DeVries, Marvin Boldt, Craig Wignall, Richard Kucera, Joel Cooper, and Gary Neymeyer. Submitted photo
The North Tama Class of 1975 celebrated their 45+1 alumni reunion during the recent Winding Stairs Festival. Attending were: front, from left, Cindy Staker Youel, Mary Wightman Petersen, Rita Pavlicek Schallau, Gayle Lundak, Carma Weber Schmidtke, Margaret Sevcik Dedic; back, Ernie Cufr, Jerry Wiese, David Barnes, Randy Kvidera, Larry Risvold, Jim Harmsen, and Jerry Dvorak. Not present for photo: Lynn Reynolds Staker and Rick Zmolek. Submitted photo
The North Tama Class of 1976 celebrated their 45th class reunion during Traer’s Winding Stairs Festival. Attending were: Julie Hoeg Cufr, Nancy Ewoldt Patterson, Darcy Parizek, Lisa Dinsdale Revord, Patty Hatton Bohnstengel, Valerie Martin Suchomel, Betty Kucera Devine; back, John Schrier, Kim Manfull, Jeff Martin, Kim Johnson, Jeff O’Kones, Dennis Ingle, and Craig Dinsdale. Submitted photo
The North Tama Class of 1981 enjoyed their 40th class reunion celebration during Winding Stairs Festival. Attending were: front, from left, Joie Staker Casto, Tracey Miller, Julie Kucera Nuzum, Carri Holst, Tammy Lyons Herink, Annette Knoop; back, Ed Hoeg, Tom Ewoldt, Neil Whannel, Ronald Sienknecht, Tony Weida, Glenn Babinat, Grant Lineberry, Sam Kvidera, Scott Kern, and John Kopriva. Submitted photo
The North Tama Class of 1971 had their 50th class reunion during Winding Stairs Festival. Attending were: front, from left, Randy Russell, Terry Boldt, Gayle Fehr Kucera, Kathy Degner Kvidera, Marilyn Kokesh Svoboda, Susan Konicek Pospichal, Jane Schrier Kock, Jan Sell Vesely, Linda Tomlinson Lohse, Diane Chalupsky Goforth; 2nd row, kneeling, Dan Kubik, David Kucera, Mike Seda, Craig Herink, Mike Clark; 3rd row, Richard Arp, John Hayek, Dennis Kucera, Steve Young, Dennis Hosek, Michelle Jenkins Carstens, Judy Opperman Coucouvanis, Jan Stevenson Hoppe, Gwen Whannel Seda, Dennis Corbin, Elly Kucera Mack, Linda West Podhajsky, LuAnn Schmidt Hatton and Doug Kostlan. Contributed photo
The North Tama Class of 1980 celebrated its 40+1 class reunion during the Winding Stairs Festival. Attending, front, from left: Lori Drinovsky Sojka, Julie Axon Mask, Kathy Hayek Kahler, Barb Pokorny Kopriva, Nancy Ruzicka, Nancy Beenken Manser; second row, Denise Dahms, Kevin Kucera, Lori Stevenson, Gloria Parizek Wendt, Mitch Hushak, Kurt Dostal, Scott Yung, Doug Keller, Kevin Herink, Bret Caslavka; back, Pat McLean, James Sevcik, Lori Ewoldt, Deanna Staveley Kvidera, Steve Vojtech, Keith Morris and Curt Kopriva. Contributed photo
The North Tama Class of 1996 enjoyed their 25th Class Reunion during the annual Winding Stairs Festival. Those attending were, front from left: Matt Calderwood, Matt Boldt, Kyle Lorenz, Shawn Larmore; back, Yvonne Svoboda Fratella, Brandi Weida Cooper, RaeLynn Vokoun Ketter, Heather Ernster Moody, Janae Svoboda Gross and Kim Nachazel Calderwood. Contributed photo