Five things to know from NT School Board
1. North Tama will continue to follow Iowa Star Conference guidelines for masking and social distancing. The board voted 5-0 in favor. Those guidelines include allowing all relatives of those performing to attend activities. This would include players, cheerleaders, coaches, and any students performing such as pep band, flag corp, etc. Student sections are still not allowed however students who are in the same household as a participant can attend and sit with their family. Events will continue to be live streamed for those unable to attend.
All spectators must wear masks in all Iowa Star Conference facilities as well as abide by gym expectations which may include no food or drinks in the gym. Patrons are asked to social distance with family members or people they already spend time with and should sit six feet from other groups. If you received “tickets” for past entry to attend a contest you are asked to hold onto those for possible future use but as of Jan. 11 they will not be needed for admission.
The Iowa Star Conference is asking all spectators to exit the gym after the child is finished playing or performing.
2. Personnel changes included four resignations from staff members. The board approved one resignation effective for the end of the school year from Megan Claypool, Kindergarten teacher and another effective Jan. 31 for Teresa Keefe O’Mara, Elementary School Counselor. Resignations were also accepted for Robin Kime, High School Theater Director and Bailey Eisenmann, High School Assistant Softball Coach.
3. The board voted 5-0 to use the remaining two built in snow days as make up days if there are any further cancellations due to weather.
4. Paid leaves of absences to North Tama employees will continue to be offered under the guidance of the Families First Coronavirus Relief Act through March 31 and retroactive to Jan. 1, 2021.
5. Superintendent David Hill gave his report in which he talked about negotiations for the teachers’ association. Depending on the legislature establishing the Supplemental State Aid rate the board hopes to complete negotiations between February and March with contract approvals taking place at the March meeting.
Hill discussed the potential of a transfer of money from the general fund to reimburse the activity fund for the purchase of protective equipment.
Hill recently applied and received a $10,000 grant through County Social Services which will be used to support the onsite mental health therapy provided to students through Tanager Place.
The district is tentatively planning to replace one of its route buses this summer. Hill is investigating a possible environmental mitigation grant through the Iowa DOT that might cover a portion of the cost of a new bus.
The district is working with Tama County Public Health to offer COVID-19 vaccinations to school employees as soon as they are available. Architects and engineers from Align, PRA, and Modus have been onsite numerous times recently, gathering information for the ongoing facility study.
A closed session was held for Superintendent evaluation. No action was taken by the board.