Traer Community Foundation accepting grant applications
TRAER – The Traer Community Foundation board members are pleased to announce they are now accepting grant applications from non-profit Traer area groups for the 2024 grant program. Application forms may be picked up at the Farmers Savings Bank & Trust or they are available at
Foundation board members and the organizations/entities they represent include: chairman, Jon Panfil, Traer City Council; vice-chairman, Michelle Podhajsky, Farmers Savings Bank & Trust; Brian Frisbie, Kubik-Finch American Legion Post of Traer; Taylor Howard, North Tama County Community School and Tracey Hulme, Traer Chamber of Commerce. The Farmers Savings Bank & Trust serves as Trustee.
Recipients of last year’s grants from the Foundation are reminded that before any further grant applications will be considered, documentation must be provided to the Foundation Board, on how past grants were used.
Grant applications must be turned in at the Farmers Savings Bank & Trust by 5 p.m. on Friday, April 26, 2024. Applicants must provide seven copies of the application.
The Traer Community Foundation has been actively contributing to the Traer community since 1991. Since that time, the Foundation has provided more than $1,027,000.00 to non-profit organizations, community projects and scholarships.
The Traer Community Foundation is constantly in search of contributions, as these contributions provide most of the funds available to worthy grant projects. One hundred percent of your tax-deductible contribution is used for the betterment of the Traer community.
There are many ways to donate a tax-exempt gift including:
-Cash or check payable to the Traer Community Foundation in care of Farmers Savings Bank & Trust, PO Box 435, Traer, IA 50675.
-Appreciated securities, which carry two benefits cash gifts do not. You eliminate capital gains tax when you contribute the securities and you are allowed an income tax deduction based on the securities’ fair market value on the date of the gift. Securities may be delivered to Farmers Savings Bank & Trust.
-Real estate, which holds tax advantages if it is a long term appreciated holding. The board recommends consulting with an attorney when considering a real estate gift.
If you wish to extend your gift over time, you might want to consider multi-year pledges. Among the benefits, extended over a period of several years, a pledge helps you to make a larger foundation gift than you might have thought possible. You may make your pledge payments with cash, check or appreciated securities.
Deferred gifts for making a future donation might include:
-Life insurance policy can be purchased and the foundation is named the beneficiary. The annual life insurance premiums are tax-deductible.
-Specific or contingent bequests in your will.
-Charitable remainder trusts, which let you enjoy income from the gift during your lifetime.
The gift can be made publicly or anonymously and the contributor may designate how the gift can be spent.
Your tax-deductible contribution to the Traer Community Foundation can be made by contacting Farmers Savings Bank & Trust at 319-478-2148.