
Election 2020 Q&A: Jeff Schrock

Jeff Schrock

Tama County Sheriff


Name: Jeff Schrock

Party: Democrat

Residence: Toledo


Education: Associated Degree in Applied Science-Police Science

Family: Wife – Holly and three children Kordell, Athena and Kalem

Experience: 25 years Law Enforcement and Police Chief

1. What is your overall vision for the future of the county sheriff’s office over the next four years?

My overall vision would be to move the Sheriff’s Office in a new direction that serves all citizens of Tama County by ensuring diversification and working towards to serve all equitable and fair. As your Sheriff I would hire based of the Tama County Population Data which would include the areas of hiring minorities and a female deputy. As Sheriff I would instill Latino enhanced programs and to work with our neighbors in Indian Country. Produce town contracts that are community based that are expected to be upheld by the Sheriff’s Department. Would place Sheriff deputies in our communities as priority patrolling. Our tax dollars need accountability as our county towns and rural areas will be patrolled. Importantly we need to address the county jail and operations going forward, this will have major implications on whether a new facility is needed, but finding the best feasible solutions for the future needs to be looked at. I would also like to see an expansion of our narcotic division to address our illegal use in our county. Establish a mental health officer to assist with the growing needs of our public in this area, and to partner with health associates.

2. How would you maximize the sheriff’s office budget during the next term?

To maximize the Sheriff’s office budget during the next term I would need to look at what has worked and what has struggled for the department. As Sheriff I would look for new opportunities that benefits all taxpayers. A sheriff needs to be creative with the revenue presented to ensure maximum coverage that way our response time to emergencies are handled appropriately. Tama County has a great opportunity for beneficial grants, for example there is a federally recognized tribe in our County. We need a Sheriff to work with all to see the positive aspects of working together in a way that Tama County can positively participate by working in cooperation, thus saving tax payers thousands. I have had the opportunity to write grants in the past and been awarded grants for new officers, police vehicles, and equipment.

3. Police reform has been a much discussed topic over the last year. What are your views on this issue and what, if any, application is there to law enforcement in Tama County?

Police reform has always been a part of law enforcement. A sheriff’s responsibility is to listen to our communities and accept positive changes. A Sheriff has to be a part of the communities and to move forward with growth. If nothing changes, you can expect the public to demand reform and that’s what we are seeing today. The public wants equality, transparency, and our diverse communities want to be represented fairly, as your sheriff I would do just that. As Sheriff I would not support defunding the police in any fashion. However, as Sheriff I would definitely change the image and address culture issues which would ensure our department reflects a growing representation of our populations. As Sheriff’s accountability to service is how our community views us as professionals with electability every four years based off performance. This years election will highlight reform and the voters will need to choose best candidate for reform going forward for a better community.

4. Why do you think voters should support your candidacy for county sheriff?

I have been in our county campaigning which has allowed me to learn that so many residents are wanting change. Our communities are willing to work together to help grow the new vision and leadership for a better tomorrow. I have kept a positive campaign. My 25 years of law enforcement experience can bring new positive change for our citizens and Tama County. I have a public plan to unite our entire county that includes everyone- This is my four year public plan; I commit to four years, diversify our sheriff’s office, hire a female deputy, hire Hispanic speaking deputy, new improved town contracts, enforce city/county ordinances, address community needs, patrol rural areas, enhanced minority programs, community gun permit meetings, improve informational sharing, accountability for deputy service, improve county/city/tribal law enforcement, and to obtain grants to save our tax payers. I thank everyone for supporting and voting on November 3, 2020 – Vote “Schrock For Sheriff” for a new vision and leadership to grow Tama County.

EDITORS NOTE: Candidates were allowed up to 700 words to complete their answers for the Q&A. Candidate forums will appear on page 3 in the weekly edition of the North Tama Telegraph over coming weeks.